Artist statement
I am an art, portrait and documentary photographer living in Alken, Skanderborg, DK. The personal portraits occupy me. Where we dissolve the facade and see the true face and feel real presence with the portrayed. I am curios about getting to know the person and hearing their life stories, prides, challenges, love and experiences. My art photography work is about giving the intangible a language. I work with moods, often based on the daily life it surrounds me, and express the expressionless through my projects. Where they often spring from my own life experiences, I try to invite the viewer in from a universal angle and hope for recognition. Through metaphors, colors, moods, composition and balance, it is my desire to influence sensorimotor / emotional rather than intellectual. Where projects can seem bleak, they are in themselves the symbol of healing and relief.
Jeg er kunst- portræt- og dokumentarfotograf bosiddende i Alken, Skanderborg, DK. De personlige portrætter optager mig. Hvor vi opløser facaden og ser det sande ansigt og mærke ægte nærvær med det portrætterede. Jeg er optaget af at lære personen at kende og høre deres livshistorier, stoltheder, udfordringer, kærlighed og oplevelser.
Mit kunstfotografiske arbejde kredser sig om give det uhåndgribelige et sprog. Jeg arbejder med sindsstemninger, ofte ud fra det dagligliv det omgiver mig, og udtrykker det udtryksløse gennem min projekter. Hvor de ofte udspringer af mine egne livserfaringer, forsøger jeg, at invitere beskueren ind ud fra en universel vinkel og håber på genkendelse. Gennem metaforer, farver, sindstemninger, komposition og balance er det mit ønske at påvirke sansemotorisk/følelsesmæssigt fremfor intellektuelt. Hvor projekterne kan virke dystre, er de i sig selv symbolet på healing og lettelse.
LensCulture: "You are a strong and, at the same time, sensitive person with high empathy who loves people and respects life. You look for the exceptional in the ordinary and you make it visible through the atmosphere and aesthetic of your images. You are also a perfectionist who wants to control the chaos around you through minimal, tight, and balanced compositions"
2024: Assignments for "Social Sundhed"
2023: Assignment for book project "Hassan Torabi - never give up" written by Helle Bertram og David Arnholm. Book release 1th of august 2023
2022: Acceptet at the 1 year long workshop at Atelier Smedsby, Paris.
2022: Workshop with Trine Søndergaard.
2022: Assignments for "Social Sundhed", "Mentalhygiejnisk Forening".
2021: Having great mentorship from Linda Hansen
2021: "The forest Runner's House". A project within a voulenteer associatoin at National Park Mols (Denmark). Upcoming exhibition and start-up of a book project.
2021: Teacher at LOF. Photography.
2020: Book release "Alken gennem vinduet" / A pandemic project portraying my village
2020: Exhibition in Galleri Krebsen, Copenhagen
2020: Master in portrait Photography / at Helga Theilgaard & Michael Madsen
2018: Family Documentary Photographer, Weddings, art, portrait and smaller art projects.
2017: Workshop with Søren Rønholt at Fatamorgana, Copenhagen
2016: Workshop with Ingrid Bugge at Engelsholm Højskole.